Go to trial with confidence
Mock jury research empowers lawyers by giving them invaluable information prior to trial. We support litigators and their consultants with our facilities and target participant recruiting services.
Why spend months on case preparation, only to discover that the jury was not compelled in the way you had hoped? There’s just too much to lose. As our clients know, jury research can help you understand a jury’s psychology by discovering key motivating factors and how to exploit them. Jury research is money well spent assisting litigators in choosing precise strategies for case preparation and litigation.
We facilitate successful mock jury exercises with the professional support you need from our facilities, targeted participant recruiting and audio-visual accommodations.
We abide by the confidences necessary to eliminate biases, while pinpointing the correct respondents. Our highly trained recruiters adhere to rigorous standards which prohibit disclosing any information that could introduce biases to prospective respondents.